Dalreoch Estate report week beginning 21st of October
Finally we have water abit late but its a whole week of water. Monday was a big water around the 4ft mark Mr Hopley was the only winner with a 15lb fish from the Pots from Dalreoch. Tuesday was abit the same, big water with Richard Docherty with a 5lb fish from the Craig on Dalreoch. On Wednesday Andrew Mcdermott had 2 fish from the flats at Almont. On Thurdays Jim Hopkins had 2 fish one from the Hut and one from the flat on Almont. Jamie Turner took a 12lb fish from Dangat on Dalreoch. John Paton and Archir Bridon had a fish each from the dub on Bardorchat. On Saturday Fastnets had there annual salmon match with them Landing 5 fish Adam Cairns 7lb from the Battery, Craig Wieland and Stevie Brennen 7lb and 6lb from Dangat, Ally kerr with his first ever salmon a 10lb fish from the craig and 20 min later had a 12lb from the same pool they also had 2 sea trout. Two fish came off almont on Saturday too.