Dalreoch estate report for week beginning 9th of September
The season has finally started after rain over the weekend the river was sitting at 2ft at Monday and full of fish but only had 1 rod on and he had a 5lb fish from the flats at Almont his John sorry forgot surname. Tuesdays the water had dropped a lot but Jim Frew got 6lb fish from the Hair took and Neil again missing surname had a 6lb fish from the Battery both from Dalreoch. Neil lost a big fish in the Battery, it straingtened his hook. Wednesday Steven Ried went to Almont for the evening and took a 9lb hen from the flats and lost another at the same. After heavy rain on Thurs the river came up again to 2.5ft on Friday and the fun began on Dalreoch Willie McNish had 2 fish both around the 6lb mark from the greystanes and hairs took. Jim smith fishing with willie had 2 fish a nice 15lber from the battery that I saw going back and a 6lb fish from the hairs took. Patrick kensell late in the day took a 5lber from kellys. On Almont Johnny Gaff had a 20lb hen from the Hut pool and a 6lber from the flats both went back. Mr Blackwood with instruction from Johnny took a 12lb fish from the hut pool and 6lb from the flats. On Bardrochat Billie Gracie had to fish from the Bridge pool a 9lb I watched him land and a 6lb to. Saturday the river dropped away and sun came out making it hard John mccolloch had a 5lb fish from the Doctors. 3 sea trout where taken in the week biggest at 2lb.
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