We have had the odd angler fishing our beats over the last couple of weeks and although we have not landed a fresh fish yet i would hope to see the first fish come off the river over the next few weeks. The next rise in water should offer a chance of a fresh fish especially as we move into May. The fish in the photo below is from the 4th of May 2016 from Dnagart on the Dalreoch beat but i had already lost another fish the pervious week.

Prices are very modest in April and May at £25 per rod. With the chance of a tide fresh springer these months offer a great opportunity to fish the estate beats. Keep an eye on the river conditions over the coming weeks, if we get water we will certainly be in with a chance of catching fish. For further information please contact our ghillie – Gordon on 07957 942317

Stunning 12lber from Dalreoch on 4th May 2016

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2 Responses to 2018 fishing season

  1. david mantle says:

    I am looking for a days salmon fishing next week and wondered if you had any avaiability